“So when did the fitness journey for mankind begin ???” I often ask this question to myself. And well i think it has been going from pre – historic times i.e. from the times of early or ape-man.. They did hunt so they ran,jumped, swimmed etc they did it for food not for getting a six-pack.. they kept fit un-intentionally…. As compared to todays scenario where we do things to keep ourselves fit.

I’m pretty sure that early man used to have competition, races etc like who kills that deer ? or who kills the biggest animal ? etc so there must have been some competitive spirit within them.. which in turn helped them to excel from the others in the tribe.

In my opinion the first type of fitness known to mankind that I can think of must have been yoga…. aerobics, Pilates, bodybuilding etc all have been formed through yoga…..

In the ancient times Chinese soldiers practiced kung fu, archery , meditation etc. In Persia boys as young as six years old were taught activities like hunting, riding and javelin throw. Not with the idea of fitness but with a purpose of creating strong men who would grow up to be strong soldiers.

The idea of fitness as we have it today in our minds veins popping, muscular , 6 pack chiseled abs have all been handed down to us from Greece.

Greeks were the first people who appreciated the beauty and the body and also Greeks were the first set of people who believed that its important to have a beautiful and strong mind but it’s equally important to have a beautiful and strong body as well. The birth of present day gymnastics happened in Greece. Greece was the kingdom from where the spectator sport of killing, fighting, wrestling, bodybuilding etc begin. Greek mythology had strong men like Hercules.


And so on the Olympics, the german gymnastics, bodybuilding, gladiators etc came into existence in the 20th century. The actual study of physical education, the bodybuilding and physique competitions started in 20th century.

Initially the gyms and physical centre were only a part of the rich lifestyle but slowly and slowly the importance of physical fitness and the education of the same has led to a gym now in almost every community, it has also instilled in us the idea to exercise regularly and as a result we understand better how the human body works and responds to physical training.

But nowadays we have forgotten how to be fit. Now with the busy working schedules exercising and fitness seems like a chore to us, we have to make an effort to get up and go to the gym, the idea of fitness for some of us is not pleasurable or relaxing anymore. Nowadays the idea of fitness in ones my mind is just about going to the gym, lifting weight and throw in some multi vitamins and supplements and you are fit and good-looking.

In the present scenario with the use of machines for almost all of our work we have reduced our physical activity and so it has become more important for us to have a healthy diet and some sort of physical activity to be fit.

So I would suggest from today we all should strive to be fit by doing some or the other physical activity be it running, cycling , going for walk, yoga, gymming etc. Just plan on doing some or the other sort of physical activity and with a healthier body you will have a healthier mind.


Stay Hungry !!!!! Stay Foolish !!!!