To achieve more than normal good polished well maintained physique in present time one has to take supplements. Not that without supplements we can’t build a good muscular physique , but with our fast paced lives and long working schedules it becomes a little difficult for us to maintain a good proper diet and give proper rest to the body for recovery from the previous workout and get ready for the next workout session. So in the present scenario one has to balance the nutrients from natural sources and supplements.

As discussed earlier about the 3 phases of bodybuilding namely bulking , cutting and maintaining. Today we will discuss about the essential supplements required for one who is in bulking phase in order to grow the maximum size in muscularity. The list given below is not a hardcore list it’s not important to purchase all the supplements listed below few are essential few are optional.

Listed below are the supplements required for the bulking phase…
  1. Protein ( essential ) –Protein is the key supplement in any bodybuilder’s stack. They are muscle-building supplements. Protein powders come in various forms. The three common ones are whey, soy, and casein protein. Whey is most commonly used, because it’s a water-soluble milk protein. People who are vegan or lactose intolerant may prefer soy protein. 
  2. Bcaa ( essential ) –The BCAAs are made up of three essential amino namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are essential because the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids, meaning they must be ingested through food or supplements and that makes them an essential supplement in every bodybuilder’s stack.
  3. Creatine ( essential ) – Creatine supplementation boosts the natural creatine stores in your body. Muscle Tissue stores creatine. Creatine synthesizes during high intensity exercises, such as lifting weights, to provide the muscles with extra energy.Creatine pulls water into the muscle cells thus increasing protein synthesis.
  4. Test booster (optional ) –Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It plays a key role not only in the development of reproductive tissue but in the development of muscle mass, bone density and body hair as well. Test boosters are dietary supplements which are created to help naturally stimulate the production of testosterone.
  5. Pre workout ( optional ) –Pre workout supplements are specially designed supplements that are taken before exercise in order to improve :
  • Energy Levels
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Recovery


Supplements are no magic pill. You take them or not to get results in gym you will have to work hard, be dedicated and be motivated.