Veganism is the newest diet trend around and so is staying fit. Earlier protein used to be a keep diet part for bodybuilders and gym-goers, but nowadays almost everyone ensures they are eating a balanced diet of protein carbs and fats.

Proteins are made up of amino acids and are important for repairing damaged cells and muscle fibers and building new ones and also building tissues, muscles, and bones.

And if you go to the gym and are a vegetarian you often will be left wondering and looking for high protein sources that are plant-based or vegetarian. Or maybe hearing things like you can’t build muscles on a plant-based diet.

But the world doesn’t know that there are some sources of plant-based protein that have more protein content as compared to the animal sources of protein. Also, studies and researches have shown that athletes and sportsperson on a plant-based diet perform better than the ones which are on meat-based or animal-based diet.

The best veggie protein sources

There is so many delicious and tasty option for vegan sources of protein from nuts and seeds, soy products, legumes and grains and most of them are gluten-free.

1. Grains and pulses

Lentils, pulses, and beans are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, and even baked beans are an excellent source for vegan plant-based protein.

Grains such as oats, barley, rice, and quinoa are also all a great source of protein.


Beans are packed with protein and fiber. The most popular and common one is kidney beans. Beans are also rich in fiber which makes them slow-digesting which helps u feel fuller longer. Beans are a superfood that should be eaten daily.


If you are on a 100% plant-based diet. You should not neglect lentils from your diet. As one cup of lentils has protein equivalent to 3 egg eggs. Also, studies have shown that lentils speed up the fat loss process.


Barley a grain packed with protein famous for its use in beer manufacturing. Now is also finding ways into healthy snacks and flour mixes. Barley is another grain one should not forget to add in a plant-based diet plan.


Oats is a new grain that has entered our cereals and desserts. They have a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs.


Quinoa is the seed of the goosefoot plant. It is the grain with the highest protein content and is also packed with all essential amino acids.


This is a gluten-free seed that is packed with a punch of magnesium which helps in muscle development. Half-cup of this gluten-free seed packs three grams of protein.

2. Dairy products

Vegan are of 4 kinds as discussed in the previous article. Lacto vegan are the ones who consume dairy products but do not consume meat. For lacto vegans, dairy products are the best option to get their protein. Dairy products are full of calcium and protein and both nutrients are necessary for a healthy diet.

2% Greek Yogurt

If you are a lacto vegan and are planning to lose weight or build muscle yogurt should be one of the key components of your diet. Every 100 gms of yogurt contains 6 gms of protein. You can add yogurt to muesli, smoothies, or just consume it like that.

3. Soybeans

Soybeans are consumed globally in high amounts in the form of soya milk, tofu, tempeh, and various other forms and the reason for it is that these oval beige seeds are packed with protein and all 9 essential amino acids. Soybeans can be turned into various forms like soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein.

Soya milk is more comparable with dairy in terms of protein content and is best for vegans who are on a completely plant-based diet and don’t consume meat or dairy products.

Tofu is made from soymilk by turning the soy milk into curd first and then pressing the curd into slabs. Tofu has a sweet nutty flavor. Its often cut into cubes and baked, fried, marinated, grilled, etc the options and ways of cooking tofu are endless.

4. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are the latest healthy protein snack. Almonds, cashews, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseeds are popular protein snacks.


Flaxseeds are tiny golden brown seeds that are packed with fiber, protein, and omega -3. People who don’t consume fish for them flaxseed is a good source of high omega -3 rich food source. Plus flaxseed is also a natural muscle relaxant. So you can say bye-bye to post-workout muscle soreness if you consume one spoon flaxseeds daily.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds also known as pepitas are green in color often roasted which can be added to soups and salads for an added crunch. They also made a high fiber snack that contains energy-boosting magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Plus surprise they also filled with protein.


Almonds are a natural protein-packed weight loss pill. Almonds are rich in protein and omega. Studies and researches have proved that munching on a handful of nuts every day can aid in weight loss.

5. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables like spinach, peas, etc have been known to be a great source of protein for a long time. In fact, vegetables like spinach have been made popular as an energy source in cartoon popeye the sailor man.


Pea protein has become the most common basic ingredient in plant-based supplements. Peas are not only packed with protein but are also rich in fiber. Peas can be added to soups, stew, rice, and more.

A cup of pea contains 100% of the daily value of vitamin c required by an adult human being so apart from making muscles they also help to keep your immunity boosted.


Spinach the power source of famous cartoon character Popeye. Is another rich source of protein for vegans. One cup of spinach contains almost protein as in a single hard-boiled egg but minus the added calories in the egg. Apart from being a rich source of protein they help retain vitamins, facilitate absorption of calcium.

5. Vegan Protein Powder

With the uprise in the vegan culture and more and more people turning away from meat and dairy-based diets. A lot of brands have started manufacturing plant-based proteins derived from peas, lentils, grains, soybeans, etc. Plant-based proteins are an excellent way to increase the consumption of protein if you cutting down meat and dairy from your diet.

With so many options being laid out as plant-based sources of protein and we just covered a few major of them in this article if you google plant-based source of proteins you will find more options than being on meat and dairy-based diet. And with so many researches and studies proving that several plant-based sources have a higher content of protein than meat and dairy sources of protein. I think building a good physique on a plant-based diet is not impossible. It does require careful planning, some research into plant sources for proteins, and also requires you to stay consistent with a meal. With these few points to keep in mind while following a plant-based diet, anyone can build muscle. So next time, if you think I cant build a good muscular physique on a plant-based diet, would be better if you sit down research and try following a high protein plant-based diet before making any assumptions who know you might be more powerful and muscular than your gym friend who is always seen on tearing meat apart with his teeth.